Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Groves Legacy - 2.1

Last time, the family mourned Akira, Nadine attempted to look for a suitable partner, Foster began working as a scientist, Kaye married Bo and moved out, Foster helped Nadine try to find someone, at least, up until he moved forward with Carolyn. Celeste died but was spared. Nadine visited the Romance Festival in the hope of finding someone. She met an alien named Gary Guy. Finally, Celeste passed away (for good). Let's see how the family's holding up.

Akira's visiting. He might be sad about Celeste, too.

There aren't many smiles around here today. Understandably so.

Nadine: Come on, you stupid egg!

Nadine: Oh, Mom. What are we going to do without you and Dad?

Nadine: I just don't know how to do this on my own, Foster. All of our other siblings don't have to live here and remember her in everything they see. They all have someone to stand beside them. What am I supposed to do?

Foster: You're doing fine, Nay. Really. Remember how cramped the house was when we were kids? Mom and Dad weren't well off when they first met. You have room to grow. Now, why don't you give that Gary a call? See if he'll help you feel any better.

Nadine: Yes, it's the house without any windows . . . Great! I'll see you soon.

Foster: You wouldn't mind visiting? . . . Thanks, Carolyn.

Foster: Yeah, so Death came back for her just a day after I begged him not to take her.

Carolyn: That's so awful!

Nadine and Foster spend the day talking out their feelings. It's good therapy for them.

While Gary manages to get Nadine to smile a bit, Carolyn has to leave.

Foster's left to see if he can cheer himself up any more.

Nothing really helps, so I have him work on his rocket to maybe take his mind off of things.

Even Nadine still looks sad doing something that she loves.

I thought this was the sweetest thing. Bo found Foster the next day at work.

Bo: Kaye told me about your mother. I'm so sorry, Foster. If you need anything, please, let me know.

Foster: Thanks, Bo.

Foster: I'm so happy you could come -

Carolyn: Can we talk inside?

Carolyn: There's no doubt that this is yours.

Foster: Oh. Oh my.

With the Master Controller mod, I have it so that there's a 10% chance of pregnancy with just regular woohoo. Those odds might be high, but I feel like it adds a sense of realism to the game. But Carolyn happened to be in that 10%.

Carolyn: I know you hate kids, but -

Foster: I love you, Carolyn. And I want to be there for you and our baby.

Carolyn: I love you, too, Foster.

Foster: Now, I'll talk to Nadine about all of this later, but I want to show you that I'm dedicated to you. Let's find a house for ourselves. Let's do this together.

Foster: Let's get married.

Carolyn: Oh! I'd love to!

Carolyn: Are you sure Nadine is going to be okay with this?

Foster: I'll talk to her.

Carolyn: I'll be right by your side, dear.

Foster has married the girl of his dreams.

Nadine: Oh, hey, Carolyn!

Foster: We're married now.

Carolyn: Geez, let her sit down first!

Foster: There, she's sitting. So, Carolyn and I got married. And she's pregnant with my kid.

Nadine: Oh. Well, you guys aren't wasting any time.

Foster: We want to move in together.

Nadine: And leave me alone?

Foster: I know it's right after Mom's death, but I want to be closer to the lab. I'm going to need to do everything I can to support my family. And -

Nadine: That's enough, Foster. You don't have to explain your decision to me. I know how you two feel about each other. I'll try to visit when I can, okay?

Foster: Likewise!

Nadine: Just watch, okay? There are so many little Groveses running around already.

Foster: Our siblings certainly didn't waste time populating the place.

So Foster and Carolyn moved out to Oasis Springs. Nadine's more lonely than she let on, so she calls up Gary to see if he's busy.

But it was definitely too late for him to come over. She went to sleep instead and perhaps dreamed about the stars.

Maybe in an attempt to learn how to flirt, Nadine watches the romance channel. Being Unflirty, she hasn't particularly been successful in the past.

When she works up enough courage, she invites Gary over.

Nadine: Tell me what you think of Earth.

Gary: Some of the customs here are totally different from those on Sixam.

Gary: But I've found the earthlings to be very amiable and enjoyable to be around.

Nadine: You're sweet! And, hey, I couldn't help but notice that you're not really living anywhere. I have a big empty house to myself. Wanna live here? I have extra bedrooms!

Gary: It would certainly be nice to have a roof over my head regularly.

I'm pleased to welcome Gary Guy into the Groves household. I'm sure Nadine doesn't mind the extra income or the company he brings along.

As soon as Gary becomes an active household member, he has to go to work. I was pleasantly surprised to find out he's a representative, which is level 8 in the poltical career track.

Gary: I'm a representative who serves as a go-between for Sixam and Earth!

It only took an entire generation, but the house finally has windows, thanks to Gary's finances.

Celeste and Akira's room gets a makeover to become an entertainment room. Although I feel a little bad, Nadine and Gary seem to enjoy it.

Nadine: Thank you so much for moving in. I've been able to do so much with the house already.

Gary: Well, I do get to enjoy everything, too.

Nadine: And thank you for being here for me, Gary. It's so nice to have someone to talk to.

Gary: And it's nice to be accepted by such a wonderful earthling.

While watching TV, the two get a little closer.

And closer.

Nadine: What do you think of aliens having relationships with humans?

Gary: While certainly not common, I think they're a great way -

Gary: That was more pleasing than I thought it ever could be.

Nadine: I'm glad to hear that.

Gary: I must be the luckiest guy in the galaxies to have a human such as you like me.

Nadine: Hush!

Nadine: I was wondering - now, feel free to say no, of course - I was wondering if you'd want to try out one of humans' favorite pasttimes?

Gary: Oh, trust me. Those from Sixam enjoy it, too!

And off they go, giggling and blushing.

How is this going to work, Nadine?

Nadine: Um. I dunno! We'll just have to find out.

Gary certainly looks happy. I sent him to change his clothes because I imagine sleeping in that outfit can't be too comfortable.

This will be his everyday outfit. I thought it might be fitting for a Sixam representative.

Akira shows up for the night and goes through a variety of emotions.

The next day, Kaye invited Nadine out for dinner. So she brought Gary along to meet her brother.

Kaye: So you two are living together now?

Gary: We are. Not only am I very fond of Nadine, but our relationship will work wonders for Earth-Sixam relations.

I believe this waitress was Estrella, one of the aliens that Foster met at the bar last update.

Nadine: Do you know her?

Gary: That question is like me pointing at any earthling and asking if you know them.

Nadine: Oh. I'm sorry.

Gary: How are you liking life on Earth?

Estrella: There are a few bumps here and there, but it's been enjoyable so far.

There's Margo in the background having a date with Eileen!

And Scarlett stops by, too.

Kaye: Now that I'm back, I just wanted to tell you I'm happy you found someone to keep you company, sis. Going from a full house to living by yourself must be trying.

Once they got back home, Nadine and Gary decided to have some more fun.

The next morning has Nadine up bright and early to work out.

Look at her, getting buff!

Nadine: What do you think? How do I look?

Gary: Like you could crush a Sim's head in your hands.

Nadine: That's the idea!

I think having an empty house helped their relationship grow as fast as it did.

Aaaand generation 3 is officially on its way. Nadine's probably breathing a sigh of relief.

Nadine: We've got a baby on the way, Gary. Isn't that great?

Gary: Oh.

Nadine: What's wrong?

Gary: I . . . I don't like kids, Nay. Whether they're from Earth or Sixam, I just don't like them. They're terrible little creatures and -

Gary: I don't know if I can do this!

Nadine: Leave that all to me, dear. This legacy is my duty, not yours.

Nadine: Well, it's official. I've saved the legacy from collapse.

Foster: You're pregnant? Will you let me run some tests on -

Nadine: Maybe when they're older.

Celeste pops by for a visit and checks out the new computer!


Oh, come on! He's already had a rough day!

And then something weird happened where the vampire didn't drain Gary. Weird. He went back to bed.

Melanie invited Nadine and Gary over for her birthday party. The two fussing kids are Aaliyah and Layne. They're making Gary feel incredibly tense.

During the party, Foster gets to know Gary.

Foster: With Carolyn being pregnant, I've had to take a bit of a break with building the rocket.

Gary: (laughs nervously) Everything is about babies, isn't it?

Since Nadine is hungry and no one else seems ready to, she steps up and cooks dinner for everyone.

Gary: There. Now I know everything about you.

Foster: uhhhhhh

Kaye: Neat! Me next!

And here, in a rare screenshot, we have all 6 kids of generation 2 together since they started moving out.

Gary: So you'd make a left at this moon, keep going for about a hundred light years, and then you'll see Sixam!

Gary and Nadine spend some time skilling up together. Despite being a representative, Gary moved in with no charisma skill. It'll take him a while to get to the next career level.

Gary: Really, they picked me as representative because I was the first alien they saw.

Oh, there's the morning sickness.

After exercising, Nadine begins Gary's legacy portrait. This is what it will look like when it's finished.

Finally, a PlantSim in a proper mood for handing out seeds!

Nadine: She's sad. Great!

Aicha Ghomari: Should I be insulted?

I then had Nadine insult her and make her angry only to find out that PlantSims need to wait a while before giving out another seed.

I'll end the update with Nadine and Gary being cute together. I was lucky to randomly find him at the Romance Festival, and I'm glad things are going well between these two. The next update will bring the first baby of generation 3! Thanks for reading.