Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Groves Legacy - 2.0

Last time, Melanie married Karim and the two moved out, Akira completed the Soulmate aspiration, Celeste became an elder, Foster developed an instant crush on Carolyn Arnold, Celeste begged Death to spare Akira, but he died (for good) one day later. The family mourns and tries to get along without him. The triplets aged into young adults and promptly got jobs. As of this update, Nadine is in charge!

Mm, cake for breakfast. And everyone's still sad about Akira.

Either that, or they're miserable because of the puddle from the broken dishwasher.

Foster attempts to fix it. It'll help him level up handiness for his aspiration, at least.

Nadine wanted to visit the gym, so I sent her to the one in Willow Creek. She's also there to scope out potential mates.

Fitness is one of my favorite skills to build in this game. I think I just like watching the progression.

Scarlett's here, too!

Scarlett: Imma get jacked!

The trainer, Finley Ojo, walks by.

Finley: Need any help, miss?

Nadine: Please, I can do this blindfolded.

Finley: I'm sure you can!

Nadine: Do they pay you to harass the visitors?

Finley: I meant no disrespect. Can we start over? I'm Finley.

Nadine: Nadine.

Finley: How do you like the place?

Nadine: It's not too shabby. It has everything I need for a solid workout.

Finley: You from Willow Creek?

Nadine: No, Newcrest. But I wanted to get out and see different places.

Finley: Well, I wouldn't mind showing you around the town after I get off, if you're interested.

Nadine: I think I'd like that very much.

Scarlett: Get it, sis!

Nadine: Haaaa, don't mind my sister.

Finley: That's your sister? Good looks must run in your family.

Nadine: Aren't you sweet!

They talked for a little while longer after that.

Finley: Right, that's how you want to hold your arms to pull down the weights.

Nadine: Ah, I get it.

Eileen walks by, very pregnant. I'm thankful that Master Controller lets same-gender Sims have babies together.

Kaye starts Foster's legacy portrait.

Foster: Is this my good side?

And then he invites Melanie over to work on hers. I don't think I chose that for her formalwear?

Nadine: Oh, that's one of the PlantSims I've been hearing about!

Nadine: Do you have any cool beans for me?

Floyd: Nah, I'm not in the mood.

Nadine: Oh. Alright, then?

Lovely job, darling.

Celeste: Any luck finding a potential suitor, Nay?

Nadine: I met a really nice guy the other day. He's a trainer at Willow Creek's gym.

Celeste: Wonderful!

Nadine: I think I'll check out Willow Creek with him later.

Celeste: Very nice.

Kaye: Let me know if I need to keep an eye on him or anything.

Poor guy hit himself while trying to build.

Oh. Well, thanks for the update, Master Controller.


Akira: I feel ethereal.

He haunts random objects and plays chess for the majority of the night.

Did you . . . did you hear about Finley?

Nadine: I did! And I'm going for a jog to forget all about him!

Are you okay?

Nadine: Just fantastic!

Sure . . .

Kaye invites Bo over. They promptly go for the observatory.

After his fun, Kaye starts on Nadine's portrait. This is what it will look like.

Today is Foster's first day of work!

He's tasked with gathering crystals and metals. Maybe this could help Celeste finish some collections.

Bo: When did you start working here?

Foster: Gah! Bo?

Foster completes tasks around the lab to boost his work performance.

Foster: Maybe they'll let me check out the rocket sometime.

Once Foster gets home, I find Nadine mourning Akira.

Nadine: We all miss you, Dad.

Kaye: See all those stars? Foster's gonna build a rocket to get to them. And Nadine's gonna reach them. Maybe I can paint them.

Kaye: Bo?

Kaye: I've been in love with you since high school. I wanna take on adulthood with you by my side. You're my best friend, and I want to be there for you always and forever. Marry me?

Bo: I would love to, Kaye Groves.

Bo: I'm so excited!

Kaye: Me too.

Kaye: Let's do this thing.

And with that, Kaye moved out to San Myshuno to live with Bo and two of her siblings.

Foster: I could've sworn I had eleven pieces! Are you cheating?

Nadine: Pssh, as if I'd need to.

Ooh, the invention machine thing is neat!

Oh. Oh, no.

Death: A research lab in the desert? How unoriginal.

Naoki: Oh, goodness!

Death: And Death comes a-knockin'!

Bo: Hey, is the microscope -

Bo: Ahh!

Naoki: Poor Zoe.

Foster remains pretty oblivious of the drama in the building over. He finished his first invention.

And he does get to work on the rocket today!

Foster: I need to study this beauty.

Celeste: Any luck with your coworkers, Foster?

Foster: The only young adult male is Naoki. And he's married.

Celeste: What a shame.

Foster: Maybe you could search around the Internet to see if there are any guys Nadine might be interested in?

Foster: It might be worth a shot.

Celeste: An excellent idea. I'll see who I can find.

Usually, I don't have my Sims accept these invites. But Foster would really want to see those aliens. And, as far as he knows, they're compatible with human Sims. Maybe one would be interested in Nadine?

The two brothers play some foosball while they wait for aliens to show up.

Foster: Ah, there's one! How fascinating.

Foster: How are you liking Earth?

Estrella: The plants are so different here.

Christie: But we like being able to use Earth cell phones, don't we, Estrella?

Estrella: Oh, they're technological wonders!

The bar event ends, and while Foster was happy to meet some aliens, he didn't find anyone who he could introduce to Nadine.

Foster's first transformation attempt.


Nadine: Okay, Mom said this guy would be coming over tonight. Where is -

Dominic: I think this is the place.

He looks nervous.

Dominic: You have a nice house.

Nadine: You don't have to sit all the way over there, you know.

Foster: Yeah, Nadine's definitely all talk.

Nadine: Why don't we go back outside where we can talk in peace?

Dominic: That sounds fine.

Nadine: I can tell you're nervous. Don't worry, I am, too. I know my Mom can be enthusiastic sometimes.

Dominic: She went on about the "Groves legacy needs to continue?"

Nadine: To be completely honest, she's trying to find a husband for me so our legacy can continue. But I'd like to take things at my own pace.

Dominic: That's a relief.

Nadine: Here, let's exchange numbers. Maybe we can meet up again and take our time.

Dominic: You're a sweet girl, Nadine.

Nadine: I'm sorry if my mom scared you, but you're very handsome, Dominic. And you seem very nice, too.

Nadine: Let's get together again.

Dominic: I'd like that.

I know you've missed your family, but do you need to watch them sleep?

What are you so chipper about?

Foster: I've invited Carolyn over!

Carolyn: This is incredible! Did you make it?

Foster: Oh, no. My mom did. I doubt anything I make could live up to this.

Celeste has been painting since Kaye moved. Margo stole her portrait, so Celeste is making another one.

Celeste also does Kaye's portrait.

Nadine: Nothing like a long run.

Foster: Do you know how stunning you are?

Carolyn: How sweet of you to say so.

Foster: I've been infatuated with you ever since the first time you visited.

Carolyn: Ever since then, huh?

Foster: Will you visit again soon?

Carolyn: We'll see, Foster.

She tries to play it cool, but I think she really likes Foster.

Celeste: Any luck with Dom, my dear?

Nadine: He's really sweet. But we're going to take things at our own pace.

Celeste: Of course. I know you've been busy working, but I just wanted to help get you out there.

Nadine: Thanks, Mom. I'll keep you updated.

Foster does his first DNA analysis!

Foster: The stars are getting closer, Mom. They're almost in my reach.

Celeste: I'm proud of you.

After Foster gets back from work, Celeste goes outside and begins to wave her arms around.

Celeste: Where is that light coming from?

Nooooo, baby :(

Celeste: But there's still so much to do . . .

Foster: Oh, no.

Foster: Mom, no!

Death: Yep, right on schedule.

Foster *inhales*

Foster: pleaseohpleaseletmymomlivewedon'tknowwhattodowithoutherandallofherkidslovehersomuchandwe'llallbedestroyedand -

Death: Alright, alright. I'll give her some more time if you just shut up.

Death: I can't keep doing this for you people.

Celeste: Well, that was weird.

Nadine: Mom! Oh, thank goodness!

Death: Maybe I am going soft.

Death hangs out for a while to watch sports.

Nadine: Hey, good-looking.

Dominic: Hi.

Nadine tries to flirt with him. I think she's having trouble because she's Unflirty.

Nadine: You're great at this game!

Dominic: Yeah, I've been playing it for years.

Foster: Well, helloooo.

Carolyn: Hey, cutie.

Foster: - and Death spared her!

Carolyn: Amazing!

These two get close pretty quickly.

Perhaps a little too quickly?

Nadine's having a tougher time of things. If she keeps flirting with Dominic, their friendship is going to fall fast.

Nadine: Okay, what's the deal? I've been trying to flirt with you all day.

Dominic: I know. Please stop.

Nadine: Oh. I'm sorry.

Ahhh, that's what's going on. I swear he wasn't married when Nadine first met him. The poor girl looks crushed.

Nadine: Not again!

Celeste: Well, you certainly are beautiful. But can you keep up with my dance moves?

Carolyn: You're on, Mrs. Groves.

Nadine tries to talk to Foster, but he's on cloud nine.

Nadine: He has a husband!

Foster: Ahh, good for him.

Why not give it a shot?

One of the first people Nadine sees is Gary Guy. My friend said that sounds like a name an alien would choose if they didn't know anything about humans and they were desperately trying to blend in.

Nadine: Hey, there. You're really cool.

Gary: Ahh, thank you, earthling.

Nadine: You're really an alien? I thought you all could disguise yourselves?

Gary: Well, we've been attempting to establish better relationships with humans. We believe forgoing our human disguises is the best way to do so.

Nadine: That's incredible! You know, I'm going to space on day! I'll be up in the stars! And my brother's building the rocket!

Gary: Up in the stars, huh? Ambitious.

Gary: It's been so long since I've been on Sixam. I miss it.

Nadine: Hey, chin up. You can come with me.

Gary: You just met me and you'd do that for me?

Nadine: Sure. If I'm going to space, why not see Sixam? And why not take a homesick alien with me?

Gary: That's kind of you.

Nadine: Wanna hang out and see the festival?

Nadine: This stuff looks great.

Gary: Mm. Whatever you say.

Gary: Yes, we can all probe minds.

Nadine: Whoa, incredible!

Gary: Gah! What are these weird pink earth leaves?

Nadine: Petals! From the festival!

Gary: I don't like them!

Nadine: I'm sorry.

Nadine: To Gary, my newest alien buddy.

Gary: What a fascinating earthling.

Oh no. Why did she get so little extra time?

Foster & Nadine: Mom!

Celeste: What a nice floor . . .

Foster: Why now?

Nadine: Please! Don't leave us yet!

Foster: Do you really think a day is enough? Give her more time!

Death: Mr. Groves, you need to learn that I'm on a tight schedule. I very seldom wait for anyone. It's her time.

Death: Let's go.

And so Celeste is gone. Goodness, I'll miss her. Her and Akira accomplished so much.

Nadine: How am I going to keep things going without Mom? I don't think I'm ready for this.

Thanks for reading.

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