Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Groves Legacy - 1.6

Last time: Some random Sim yelled at Dino, Margo chased Foster away from Eileen, Scarlett and Seiji started dating, Melanie and Karim struck up a friendship (and eventual romance) due to their shared Hot-Headed trait, Celeste finished her Curator aspiration, the family was mildly worried about the upcoming transition to the first heir, Margo aged to a young adult, Akira became an elder, Margo joinsed the painter career, the house got redesigned (still no windows), the triplets aged up, and there was an heir poll!

As you all can see, Nadine was the winner! Thanks so much to those that voted!

Since Nadine is just a teenager, there will probably be at least two more updates before she officially takes over as the heir.

Celeste makes spinach frittata first thing in the morning. I can't imagine that's the best smell to wake up to.

Celeste: So, how are you feeling, Melanie?

Melanie: A little sad that I didn't win, but hey, I can't let it keep me down.

Celeste: I'm surprised you're not angrier.

Melanie: I'll be fine, really. I just have to establish myself on my own, you know?

Melanie: How are you feeling, Scarlett?

Scarlett: Ehh.

There's our heir, looking bright and happy.

Foster: I guess I'll just need to make my rocket plans elsewhere.

Nadine: You're stuck here for a while until you're an adult. You've got some time, bro.

How about you, Margo? Are you hanging in there?

Margo: I'm a little sad that I'll be leaving soon, but I'm relieved, too.

Margo was my personal favorite to continue the legacy. But I'm happy about Nadine winning, too.

And you, Kaye?

Kaye: I'm more upset that I haven't found my soulmate, yet.

You just turned into a teen, friend.

Kaye: Sure, but I'm not even seeing any prospects.

Celeste: Well, old man, we'll be stepping back soon.

Akira: "Old man?"

Akira: This "old man" will have to show you some new tricks later.

Celeste: Oh, my. Just promise not to hurt yourself.

Margo: Yes, this is an excellent abstract piece. I'm sure the art gallery will love it.

While painting a confident work, Margo contemplates her next move.

And that move is to invite over Eileen.

Margo: Well, darling, I'm not the heir.

Eileen: That's just fine, Margo.

While Margo and Eileen have a touching heart-to-heart, Scarlett, Kaye, and Nadine form an unholy amalgamation when they come home from school.

Foster: Frankly, I'm scared.

Same here.

Margo: Miss Eileen Gomes, now is as good as a time as any.

Margo: Will you marry this lovestruck redhead?

Eileen: Margo! Of course!

Eileen: It's absolutely stunning!

Eileen: I'm so happy!

Eileen: Catch me!

Margo: Whoa!

And then after Eileen walked away to Celeste and Akira's room, the two had a quick legacy wedding. I'm ready to start letting some Sims out of this house, to be honest.

Margo: There are a lot better places than in my parents' bedroom, but I'm ready to live my life with you.

I'm happy for my babes. And Celeste was even the witness, kinda. She was at the computer for the marriage.

Usually I have to move my Sims into a completely new house, but I found out Eileen was living with her younger sister, Alanna. So Margo moved in with Eileen to help take care of Alanna. Good luck and good-bye to the very first child of generation 2. I'll be checking in regularly. I also have the Master Controller mod, and I believe I have it set so same-sex couples can have children. 

Celeste has been obsessed with reading vampire lore books lately.

Once Margo was moved out, Eileen stuck around for some reason.

Nadine: You better treat my big sister right.

Nadine: Because she deserves it. If you don't, I'm gonna be able to whoop your butt one day.

Kaye: Why are you being so unnecessarily violent?

Eileen: Don't worry about it. And don't worry about Margo, either.

The triplets almost always work on their homework together.

Nadine: We don't bite, Scarlett.

Scarlett: Don't think I've forgotten about your blackmail attempts.

Gosh, she's a gorgeous Sim, low graphics and all.

Our soon-to-be heir takes a moment to reflect (aha!).

Ugggghhhh. Go away.

Why is it always Celeste?

Wow, what a surprise. I had absolutely no idea you were a vampire.

Lilith: Thanks so much, dearie. Now, rest well.

Poor girl.

Once she rested up, Celeste made some birthday cakes for the twins.

Once the party started, Seiji proceeded to hide out in Scarlett's bed for a while.

And Paolo knocked over the garbage can. What a great party so far.

Here we go!

She looks thrilled.

Scarlett got Bro for her final trait, and Melanie got Self-Assured, like her father.

Don continues his birthday celebration tradition.

Seiji: Wow, my girlfriend's hot!

Scarlett: This doesn't feel too different. But why do I feel weighed down by intangible responsibilities?

Margo: Welcome to adulthood, sis.

Scarlett sneaks away with Seiji into Celeste and Akira's room. I guess it's the place with the most privacy, even though it is a little weird.

Seiji: You, my dear, are absolutely stunning.

Scarlett: As are you, my love.

Scarlett: So what do you say, Mr. Watanabe?

Scarlett: Be mine in marriage?

Seiji proceeds to put the ring on over top of his other ring.

Seiji: Of course I'll be yours.

The two get hitched right then and there. I sent them out on their own. They're living in a house I got from the Gallery, located in Newcrest.

Bo is a regular visitor now.

Nadine: No way, you have a crush on one of my brothers? Which one?

Bo: They're both very cute. But Foster just has something about him, you know?

Nadine: I can't say I do know. But you should go in the hallway. He's playing video games right now. I'm sure he'd love to teach you.

And so Bo takes Nadine's advice.

Foster: Right, this one's go. But watch out for banana peels.

Bo: Oh, um. Sure?

Kaye: Haha, she's crushing us, Foster!

Foster: Beginner's luck!

Nadine: And that's how you matchmake.

Akira: I'll take your word for it. Your mom came up to me in a park and history was made from there.

With Margo out of the house, Kaye takes over painting since he doesn't have an aspiration that focuses on skills.

Without Margo and Scarlett's beds, there's some room in the girls' bedroom. I gave Nadine a treadmill.

Nadine: How hard can this be?

Not pictured: Nadine falling right after turning the treadmill on.

Nadine: Yeah, I got this!

Foster begins his own pursuits to broaden his mind. He's reading the timeless classic Orbital Pudding.

Nadine runs enough to get super grimy.

Nadine: Stop taking pictures of me and let me bathe.

Margo stops by to visit!

Kaye: Look at this hilarious picture of Nadine I sniped!

Margo: That's amazing!

Melanie: How's married life?

Margo: It's much quieter. It's just Eileen, Alanna, and I.

Melanie: A quiet house. I wonder what that's like.

Margo: Pretty great, to be completely honest.

Celeste and Akira squeeze in a date at Waterside Warble. Aren't they still the cutest?

Miko: They've just been staring at each other like that for the last hour!

Darling: It would be sweet if it wasn't so sickening.

Akira wanted to sing a song, so the cuties sang a duet together.

Akira, of course, was fantastic. Celeste tried her best.

I come home to this mess. Was that necessary?

Melanie: Oh, absolutely.

Nadine: So how was video games with Bo, Foster?

Foster: Eh? Fine, I guess. She's a fast learner.

Nadine: Did you put the moves on her or anything?

Foster: What? No, why would I?

Nadine: Dude, she has a major crush on you!

Foster: Oh. Um. I really don't think I feel that way about her.

Nadine: Unfortunate.

Nadine: I thought they'd be great together.

Kaye: Foster's just very focused on his learning. Although I wouldn't turn down your matchmaking services.

Nadine: No? Who are you eyeing up, bro?

Kaye: None other than Bo herself. She's stunning.

Nadine: Hm. I think I can arrange something or other.

Again, with the parents' bedroom meetings.

Melanie: I'm sure by now you've heared I'm not the heir.

Melanie: Still wanna stick with me?

Karim: I told you before I would. But I gotta finish school first before I start considering anything serious.

Melanie: I wouldn't have it any other way for my favorite guy.

Since Melanie's sticking around for at least a little bit, Foster recruits her for some chess.

Melanie: You know, Scarlett used to cheat at this all the time.

Nadine wakes up bright and early the next morning to work out at the new gym in Newcrest. She looks fierce.

But she still has a lot of work to do.

She's got this, though.

She tries out the treadmill and proceeds to fall.

Nadine: These things hurt!

Foster: Whatcha up to, Kaye?

Kaye: Inviting Bo over because you don't know what you're missing.

Foster: Sure, sure. Do your thing, man.

Bo: I was surprised to get a text from you.

Kaye: Gosh, you're pretty.

Kaye: Oh, no, did I say that?

Bo: Indeed you did. And you seem to still be in your pajamas.

Kaye: Haaaa, I'm out of it today, aren't I?

Celeste: What are they doing now?

Foster: I think he just realized he's wearing his pajamas. And I'm about to take your bishop.

Celeste: Amazing.

Kaye: Hey, it's no big deal. I can still savlage what's left of my dignity!

Bo: How do you plan on doing that?

Kaye: Here, I'll show you.

Bo: Oh?

Bo: Are you going to punch me?

Kaye: No, no, just stretching!

Kaye: Ahhhh yes, a nice big stretch.

Bo: Hm.

Kaye: A stretch that ends with my arm around a gorgeous girl.

Bo: Aren't you sweet?

The romantic mood was set by Nadine this entire time.

Foster: You sound awful.

Nadine: Yes. Yes I do.

Kaye takes Bo into the kitchen to escape from Nadine's "music."

Bo: Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something -

Kaye: *smooch*

Kaye: I shouldn't have done that. I know you like my brother, and I'm not him, and I -

Bo: Hush. You're sweet. Besides, Foster's focused on his studies. And you seem like fine company.

The two sneak away for some more kisses.

And what visit to the Groves house would be complete without some video games?

Kaye: See ya later!

All in all, I'd say Kaye is pretty happy with how things turned out.

Akira: That's my boy! If you need any advice -

Kaye: Remind me to put on normal clothes next time.

Foster's progressing in his aspiration.

Foster: How on Earth do I fix this?

I'm pretty sure you need to use the wrench on the faucet, not just hold it in the basin.

Although not the greatest picture I could've gotten, Kaye will be creating Margo's portrait.

Here's a new addition to the Groves' house! I thought Foster might like this. Maybe it'll help him in his plans to get to space.

I've also recently added a basketball hoop and half of a court. Nadine really likes the new weight machine.

Melanie: Well, Dad, the house is getting emptier by the day. How do you like that?

Akira: I haven't had a moment of peace and quiet since I married your mother. I really wouldn't have it any other way. You kids better come and visit, you hear?

So with two of the generation 2 kids moved out and the triplets growing fast, this legacy is almost ready to start the next generation. There will be one more update before then, so thank you all for reading. Until next time!

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