Friday, April 14, 2017

The Groves Legacy - 1.7

When we last left the Groves, they began preparing to shift to the first heir. Nadine will officially take over after this update. Margo married Eileen and moved out. Another vampire visited. Scarlett and Melanie aged up into young adults. Scarlett got married to Seiji and moved out as well. Nadine tried her hand at matchmaking, leading to Kaye chatting up Bo. Nadine began her Bodybuilder aspiration and Foster worked on his space plans.

Margo's portrait is coming along.

Even after moving out, it seems that Scarlett hasn't let go of her suspicions about Nadine.

Scarlett: She's up to something. I know it.

Really, she's just been up to jogging.

Nice job, Akira! He's been livestreaming games lately and earning fans and money. I like to imagine people are interested in watching an old guy livestreaming video games.

After livestreaming, Akira switches over to a competition. The computer decides to break while he's in the middle of playing.

Kaye finished Margo's portrait. This is going to be Scarlett's.

When she's not exercising, Nadine picks up a controller.

Her siblings don't seem to mind joining in, though.

Melanie quit playing because she got angry. She invited Karim over to complain.

Melanie: I cannot believe them! They kept pushing me off Rainbow Road

Karim: That's rough.

Melanie: And as soon as I'd get back on the track, they'd hit me off again!

Karim: How horrible!

Melanie: (sigh) But the game's over. And I feel better.

Karim: You totally could've kept going, there. Really, Rainbow Road is the worst.

Kaye takes the weekend to invite over his romantic interest, too.

Kaye: Look, I remembered to put on clothes this time!

Nadine: Hey, Dad! You're looking fantastic today!

Akira: Oh, um. Thanks?

Nadine: Just spreading some love.

Akira: Of course. I appreciate my kids' love everyday. Thanks, Nay.

Love of all kinds is in the house today.

Kaye: I did it!

Bo: Hm. An easy shot.

Nadine's getting better at violin, so people don't cringe when she picks up the bow.

Melanie: Wanna move things outside?

Karim: Oh? What's out there?

Melanie: Come on. I'll show you.

The two made their way out to the observatory.

Melanie: That was out of this world.

Karim: Bad pun.

Melanie: Stop complaining. It was a compliment.

Karim: Yeah, it was stellar, wasn't it?

Melanie: Oh, goodness.

Melanie: Well, Karim, now might not be the best time, but why not now?

Karim: Hm?

Melanie: Will you marry me, Karim?

Karim: Oh!

Karim: This is beautiful!

Bo: Congrats!

Karim: Of course I'll marry you, Melanie Groves. We're both Hot-Heads, but no one understands me better.

Melanie: Sim life is short. Wanna do this now?

Karim: You have a point.

And off they go to a house placed at the other end of Newcrest, next door to Scarlett and Seiji.

Nadine: Well, now it's just us. And you two don't do anything exciting enough for me to bother you about.

Kaye: I'm happy with Bo. So I can thank you for that, but I don't plan on doing anything you can blackmail me about.

Foster: And hey, what we do with our lives is our own business, you know?

Nadine: I suppose you're right.

The kids go off to school, and Akira and Celeste check out Villa Bovine again. Thankfully, they won't be coming home to an unexpected party this time around.

Akira: Hm. Everything on the menu is something that you're completely capable of making.

Celeste: Yes, but I don't have to make it. That's the best part.

Akira: My wife could work here, you know. She can make everything!

Celeste: Akira, behave!

Akira: What can I say? I'm in love with your cooking. And I'm in love with you.

Celeste: You flatter me.

Kade Arellano: Enjoy.

Akira: Fantastic.

Here's a rare shot of Celeste's Glutton trait.

Akira: That's my girl.

After dining, Akira was feeling particulary bold.

Amaya Guillory: I'd throw out my back if I did that.

Akira might do just that.

And so ends the final gold date needed to complete Akira's Soulmate aspiration.

I love when Sims autonomously take a selfie.

Nadine: Hey, Mom! You look great!

Celeste: As do you, dear.

That day also happens to be Celeste's birthday.

Celeste: Goodness, I'm still so full from lunch.

Foster: Who is that lovely lady?

Nadine: I'm guessing my Mom invited you. And, despite your red hair, you're not part of our family. So who are you?

Carolyn: I'm Carolyn Arnold.

Carolyn: See? Your mom sent me a text. She apparently had my number the instant we met.

Nadine: Life's weird like that!

Time for a birthday!

Celeste: I don't know if I'm ready for this!

Celeste: Here we go!

Celeste aged nicely. Meanwhile, Foster is being a little creepy. Go talk to her, friend!

And yes, Paolo's okay. He's just doing some pushups.

Bo: You alright, Foster?

Foster: Oh, hi, Bo. Yes, I'm quite alright.

Bo: You're shaking your orange juice.

Foster: Just fine.

Celeste: The clean-up's always the worst.

She's certainly come a long way in her cooking skills. Still, that face isn't reassuring. And she looks like she's getting sick.

Celeste: I'm fine!

Celeste has really been enjoying Akira's late hours for work. They've had plenty of time alone while the kids are at school.

The kids come back home from school looking a little . . . interesting.

Nadine: Gosh, I'm disgusting.

Foster: What's the point of school? It's just keeping me from getting to space!

Kaye: I wonder what Bo's up to?

Akira: What a cheap shot!

Kaye: Dad, you . . . you walked right off that cliff.

Nadine: Ahh, nice and showered.

Kaye: Yeah, I can stand to be near you again!

Margo often stops by for visits.

Margo: I've missed you, Mom.

The girls enjoy a night under the stars.

Foster: Oh, Dad, you don't want to read that one. The girl goes back to him in the end. It's annoying.

Akira: Oh, geez, thanks so much. Now I don't need to read this one because my son spoiled everything for me.

Celeste: Ah, that was nice, love.

Akira: Yeah - niiii -

Celeste: Akira?

Akira: There's a strange light . . .

Celeste: Akira!

It took him a little while, but Death eventually made his way into the room.

Celeste: Please, please, please! He's my soulmate, and I've only just become an elder, and -

Death: You, Celeste Groves, have caught me on a good day.

Death: Just don't get used to this business.

Celeste: Thank you so much!

Death: You are loved, Akira. I don't feel like taking you away from your family just yet.

Akira: Wha-?

Celeste: Oh, Akira!

Akira: Thank you, darling. I don't think I was quite ready yet.

Death: I'm going soft.

These two goofs take a selfie right after the experience.

Celeste: #SavedMyHusbandFromDeath

Kiana: I feel uneasy.

Death: You and me both.

Celeste and Akira decide not to tell the kids about what just happened. They didn't want to worry them.

Melanie visited, and the kids are happily distracted.

I'm not quite sure if this means Seiji was the one who was pregnant???

But, Akira and Celeste do indeed have triplet grandchildren! Poor Scarlett and Seiji, so many screaming babies. They were named Colten, Kaylyn, and David.

Akira: There's a secret ending where the blue-haired girl enters a parallel universe.

Nadine: Oooh, nice.

Celeste: Something's . . . wrong.

Akira: This feels very familiar.

Celeste: Not again!

Celeste: It's only been a day, Death! You couldn't have given him more time?

Death: I don't stop for time. And I couldn't let you think I was generous, could I?

Death: No, don't give me those eyes.

Celeste: Please! He hasn't met his grandkids yet!

Death: Not this again.

Death: If I complied every time someone begged me, there would be way too many people. So if you'll excuse me.

Death: There, the deed is done. Oh, and this is a legacy, right? Your family should begin to expect me.

I built a simplistic mausoleum on the lot. It's nothing too fancy, but it'll do for now. Akira, you were a great Sim.

The kids all wake up feeling miserable.

Celeste sleeps alone for the first time in a long time.

That's Nadine crying under there. These poor Sims.

Celeste: I thought I'd never say this, but the house is so empty.

I didn't get the greatest picture, but this is Alanna. She's Eileen's sister!

Kaye: I miss him, Mom.

Celeste: As do I. But we're going to be just -

Celeste: What am I saying? I miss him, too. So much.

Kaye: Oh, Mom.

Nadine picks up a vampire book to read. She doesn't really feel like talking to any of the teens who came to visit.

That doesn't mean that Alanna won't try, though.

Alanna: Margo wanted me to show this to you.

Nadine: That's so nice of her.

Nadine: I'm gonna keep reading, if you don't mind.

Alanna: Sure. Do what you need.

Foster: This is when Dad would come up with some silly quip! And we'd all laugh!

Celeste: What's he doing?

Kaye: I think it's an attempt at coping.

Poor Nadine breaks the shower and breaks down again.

Celeste autonomously goes down here and mourns.

Oh, goodness, she's crying so much. I'm sorry, girlie.

The next day, Celeste attempts to return to a sense of normalcy. She collects around the neighborhood. And Melanie is fishing in the background!

Nadine: Did you just do a granny shot?

Nadine stops playing because she can't believe Kaye is beating her without any fitness skill. On her way in, she spots Carolyn.

Nadine: Hey, bro. Carolyn's out for a walk.

Foster: Really?

Foster: I've been so miserable. I don't think I can.

Nadine: I believe in you!

Foster: No, not right now, Nay.

Nadine accepts her brother's decision. She practices some punches, all the while looking miserable.

And Foster tries his hand at crafting.

Foster: Anything to distract myself, honestly.

Nadine: Is it going to stop hurting, Mom?

Celeste: No, no, I don't think so. It might hurt less, or hurt differently, but it will never quite stop. Now, come on, let's put on some brave faces for these guests, huh?

Nadine: I can try.

Foster: Carolyn! You're here!

Carolyn: Yeah, I guess I'm a regular invitee now.


Darling, you don't look too happy to be running on that.

Despite the current circumstances, the triplets celebrate their birthdays.

Kaye added Perfectionist, Foster added Geek, and Nadine added Unflirty.

Celeste: Those are my babies!

Miko: Yes, Akira was a terrific man.

Don: Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come visiting soon.

Kaye: Well, we made it.

Foster: I don't feel much different.

Nadine: I guess . . . I'm in charge, now?

The triplets pick up jobs right away. The family will need some source of steady income. Kaye went into the Painter career, mostly because that's his highest skill. Foster joined the Scientist career, looking for ways to reach the stars. Nadine joins the Astronaut career. After all, Foster only wants to make the means to get to space. He's terrified at the thought of actually going there himself. Plus, the Astronaut career will help Nadine focus on her fitness.

And so, the triplets have become young adults. Nadine is ready to move the legacy forward. Thanks for reading!

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