Monday, May 1, 2017

The Groves Legacy - 2.2

Last time with the Groves:
Nadine and Foster tried to cope with losing Celeste. Both called up their romantic interests for some emotional support. It turned out that Carolyn was pregnant, so Foster moved out to be with her and the baby. Gary Guy moved in to help out lonely Nadine. The two quickly developed a romance which resulted in a pregnancy. Poor Gary hates kids, but they are a necessity for legacies. Let's move forward!

This update is a little shorter than most, probably because most of it was spent skilling for promotions.

What a great way to wake up in the morning.

Nadine: Gary's still asleep. Good, I'm so embarrassed!

I wonder if Gary's accepted his fate here? I mean, it must be rough to move in with a Sim and to find out she's pregnant. Especially since Gary doesn't like kids. But he's sticking around, mostly because I'm controlling him now.

Gary: "Controlling?" What's that supposed to mean?

He spends some time criticizing the date reward from Celeste and Akira's first date.

Nadine: This baby's doing a number on my back. I'll have to work my muscles back up once I can exercise again.

The baby bump is definitely showing!

Nadine: How are you holding up? I know this baby isn't exactly what you wanted . . .

Gary: Well, I've found myself to be absolutely smitten with you, Nadine Groves. I'm in love with you.

To prove that, he dips her into a suave kiss.

Seized by the moment, Nadine pops the question.

Nadine: Will you marry me then, Gary? Will you go through this crazy legacy thing by my side?

Gary accepts! These two won't be having a quick wedding, though. They'll wait a couple days so they can organize one with their friends and family.

Nadine has been diligently collecting beans from PlantSims.

A little bit later, Gary starts panicking. Why?

Because Nadine is having the first generation 3 baby, of course!

And here is Silas Groves.

Nadine instantly falls for her boy's charms.

Celeste visits while in an angry mood. Did you have to break the sink???

Gary: Back at it again, my dearest earthling?

Nadine: I can't let myself slip up because of a baby!

While Nadine's busy, Gary reluctantly checks on Silas.

Gary: I suppose I'm happy that he looks like me.

Nadine: Wanna sneak off into the bedroom?

Gary: Yes, PLEASE!

Poor guy doesn't realize that I have plans for more babies.

Nadine: Enthusiastic!

And off they go.

The next morning . . .

Nadine: I'm not feeling so great.

oh nooooo I wonder whatever could be wrong

Nadine is indeed pregnant again.

Nadine: How nice.

Nadine: Oooh, I wonder if Gary's gonna be upset.

Margo shows up as a PlantSim. I'm not sure exactly when she did it during this update, but Nadine did get all six seeds from the event.

Once Gary comes home from work, he bakes a wedding cake. Nadine's busy checking on Silas.

The wedding was out at a park in Willow Creek, I believe.

Check out Nadine's back muscles!

Melanie: Really? Here? You can't wait until the ceremony?

Finley: My, you're stunning, Nadine.

Nadine: And I've built up some muscles to rival yours.

Nadine: Well, let's get this thing started.

Gary: You look gorgeous, especially under the glow of this planet's moon.

Even though it was a nice ceremony, the guests seem uncomfortable or bored or something.

Wait, Nadine, you're supposed to cut the cake with Gary!

Oh, right. That's how wedding cakes work in this game. How cute!

Nadine: Dom never told me he was getting married!

Carolyn: Wow!

Dominic: Hey, it was a surprise decision.

Gary: A decision that I'm happy about.

Nadine and Gary get back from the wedding feeling exhausted. Gary calls off work the next day and goes to bed. But it's time for a certain baby to age up!

Here's Silas! His randomized trait is Independent. I have no idea where the purple eyes came from, but I'm not complaining! They're look nice.

While it might be questionable parenting, Silas is left to eat grilled cheese on the couch while his parents sleep. There isn't any room in the kitchen/dining room for a high chair.

What a cutie!

Although she's feeling tense, Nadine came home with a promotion! She's wearing astronaut gear now!

Silas spam!

Nadine tries to read Silas back to sleep after he had a nightmare, but it doesn't work.

She tries comforting him instead, which worked a lot better.

This might've been the moment that Nadine completed the seeds collection. I'm not quite sure!

Sweet, she does roundhouse kicks now!

And she's an excellent mother to boot.

Gary checks up on Silas pretty often. Granted, he feels tense while around all the baby toys, but he does care. I think.

Foster stops by for a visit in the early morning.

Foster: How's your space endeavors going?

Nadine: Surprisingly well!

Gary: Hello, earthling Foster!

Gary and Foster are friends. I love it.

While Gary and Nadine get ready for work, Foster sneaks down to the mausoleum and mourns Akira and Celeste. Poor guy.

Ali Seddiki watches Silas while Nadine and Gary are working. Ali is a really good nanny.

Nadine comes home early, though. She's gone into labor!

Ali keeps Silas distracted while Nadine gives birth.

Aaaaaand it's another set of twins. I wonder if Master Controller increases the probability for twins and triplets. Anyways, meet Trevor and Jak!

As much as he doesn't want to, Gary checks up on the newborns while Nadine sleeps. She's exhausted and needs some rest.

She doesn't even bother to change out of her uniform. I can't imagine it's comfortable, though.

When she wakes up, she's feeling inspired. So she picks up the violin, something she hasn't done for a little while.

I wonder if the stress of all the children is getting to him?

Silas: Two babies???

Nadine: Thank you for taking this on with me, Gary. You're a wonderful guy.

(Geddit? Geddit??)

Nadine: You're my best friend. And I love you.

Gary: I must say, I do have strong feelings for you as well, earthling. I love you, too, Nadine.

That's some intense running!

And the Sim week ends with a visit from Akira. He made it to Jak before Nadine did.

And so ends this update! Thanks for reading!

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