Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Groves Legacy - 2.4

Last time with the Groves, ghost Akira broke everything, Trevor and Jak became toddlers, Silas became a child and then worked on befriending the neighborhood, and Nadine maxed her fitness skill. So here we are!

Celeste: This child is blue. Much like me.

Cloudgazing is a great way to make friends.

Every now and then, Nadine wants to paint. She'll be painting her sons' portraits when they're older.

Birthday time!

Here's Trevor! His random trait is Loner. His aspiration is Whiz Kid.

And here's Jak. He got Self-Assured, and he has Rambunctious Scamp.

The twins are sleeping in single beds, so they both get woken up by monsters every night. I did not miss this.

Jak: What are we gonna do?!

Trevor: Get Mom! Get Mom!

Nadine: I did this to my older siblings all the time. I suppose this is payback.

Silas: - and so I'm trying to be friends with everyone!

Jak: When you're as great as I am, you don't need friends to make yourself feel good.

Silas: You're funny!

Silas: I like getting to know everyone, you know? Everything's better when you're with friends!

Jak: Sure.

True to his ideology, Silas finds Bo and hangs out with her to become friends.

Trevor: This stuff is ridiculous. Why do I have to do it?

Nadine: Well, sweetie, if you keep doing your homework and keep getting smarter, you could go to space like me one day!

Trevor: I mean, I guess that sounds cool, but I think I just want to be able to outsmart everyone.

Nadine: That's fine, too.

True to his friendliness, Silas tries to befriend Akira. Unfortunately, Akira disappears before Silas can become friends with him.

Foster stops over and Silas is able to complete his aspiration! He moves on to Artistic Prodigy.

Nadine plays chess to earn promotions. And maybe she wants to be ready to keep up with Trevor.

Gary: My wife's so smart. Hello, my smart wife.

Nadine: You're sweet.

Trevor: Do you think they could time travel? Is time travelling a possibility in our world? What would we have to do to time travel?

Nadine: This book is set in the Middle Ages. If we don't know how to time travel now, I don't think they would have known then.

Silas is up in his room working on drawings.

While Jak tries to set a new high score on the typing game. I guess Nadine finished reading because Jak is playing chess in the background.

Silas: Now, you listen here! You'll tell me where you're keeping the treasure!

Silas: Geez, you could've just said no! You didn't have to hit me in the eye!

You alright, Margo? You look tired.

Margo: Fine. I'm just bored out of my mind.

Group homework session!

Silas: What did you guys get for number 4?

Jak: Florida.

Trevor: How did you get Florida? Oh, wait, this is my math homework.

Jak: No blue shell will fell me!

Trevor: Mom, I can't hear you through that helmet.

Nadine: Do you see that light, Gary?

Gary: What? Can't hear you, dear.

Nadine: Is this normal?!?!

There she goes.

She shows up a little later, dazed, but otherwise okay.

Trevor: Monster!

Jak: Where's the bus?

Nadine: Sixam contacted me last night.

Gary: Why you? I'm the representative here.

Nadine: It might have to do with the unused rocket Foster left in the backyard. I don't remember much, to be honest.

Nadine's lost some of her figure, but exercising is a daily part of her work schedule. Maybe she'll get it back. Even if she doesn't, she's amazing!

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Since she finished her aspiration, Nadine has been working on Friend of the World. Meanwhile, Jak seems to have gotten unstuck from that monstrosity outside.

Trevor: Hi! I'm Trevor! And I'm awfully relieved that your hat isn't your head like I thought it was.

Riley Broussard: Thanks? Nice to meet you, I think.

Nadine: Right, I think they took me to that galaxy there.

Alanna: Wild!

Nadine: So I have to build up my muscles again in case they try to pull anything on me!

Kyleigh: Why are you doing your homework on the sidewalk?

Trevor: I was going to help Riley.

Riley: (isn't paying any attention)

Alanna: Oh, you're Gary! You're the representative from Sixam!

Gary: That's right! Are there any concerns you have with Earth's relationship to Sixam that I might address?

Alanna: Nadine said she was abducted! Is that a regular thing?

Gary: I'm unaffiliated with that.

Alanna: Oh . . . 

Gary: But it is something I can look in to.

Silas is well on his way in his second aspiration.

Chris Lewandowski: Oh, you're an alien, like me!

Gary: It's always nice to see a fellow from Sixam.

Silas: What do you think?

Jak: I'm not going to lie, so I'd better not say anything.

Gary: It's taken me some time and convincing, but it seems that the people here really do want to have better relations with Sixam.

Nadine: That's fantastic, dear. I'm so proud.

Akira shows up and decides to get buff.


Nadine continues to make friends on her days off.

I really do like the nearby pirate ship.

It's a popular spot for the kids.

Jak: I know you're friends with Silas, but I really have no idea who you are.

Gary: So I've been thinking. I know I can only stand to be around you for so long, but you're going to be a teen soon. Maybe your mother can take the two of us to Sixam once she gets that rocket up and running.

Silas: Cool!

Trevor: Mom, how can you eat with that helmet on?

Nadine: I'll refrain from answering that.

Jak: What?

The kids are busy skilling away. Silas has already finished his second aspiration.

Don't be fooled. There are still a lot of explosions at this table.

The kids aren't the only ones busy skilling. Gary has been stuck at level 8 of his career since he moved in. I've been trying to catch him up. Meanwhile, although Nadine has max fitness, her job requires her to work out every day.

And so, another week with the Groves comes to a close. Thanks for reading!

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