Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Groves Legacy - 2.3

This update comes so quickly because I finished my last year of undergrad! I'm currently looking for work, but I have a few leads. In the meantime, I've been playing a lot of Sims.

Last time, Nadine proposed to Gary, gave birth to Silas, and then got pregnant again. She and Gary then got married in the park. Silas aged up into a toddler. The Groves found an awesome babysitter named Ali. Nadine gave birth to twins named Trevor and Jak. Besides Nadine and Gary becoming BFFs, that's really about it. So, onwards!

Ghost Akira and Celeste continue haunting and breaking things. Here, Akira has broken both the shower and the sink. While it's annoying, it's great handiness practice.

Gary: Sure, great "handiness practice," she says. Meanwhile, I'm soaked.

Nadine had a whim to grill some fruit, so I bought the family a grill. Why not? I haven't used one in one of my families, so I thought it would be fun.

Birthday time for Trevor and Jak!

Here's Trevor! He's got Nadine's red hair. I'm still not sure where those purple eyes are coming from, though. Gary doesn't have them when he's in his disguise. Anyways, Trevor got Clingy for his random trait.

And here's Jak! He has Nadine's red hair and green eyes. His random trait is Inquisitive.

The twins spend some time with their mother as they eat and she watches TV.

Although, they might be a little young to watch whatever Nadine's watching.

Nadine: Up you go, little one. It's time for bed.

Without his hat, Trevor and Jak have the same hair. I get them mixed up sometimes.

Here they are for comparison.

Nadine: I'm looking gooooood.

Nadine: Why do all the dolls have cowboy hats on?

Silas: ???

Nadine: The cowboy dolls all went to sleep in the stable. Look, I don't make the cowboy rules.

Lil' Trevor had a nightmare. Nadine has to get up at 6 AM, so Gary begrudgingly goes to check on him. You alright, friend?

Gary: just fiiiine i just adore kids

Jak woke up around the same time, so Gary has to comfort him, too. Surprisingly, Gary doesn't get a negative moodlet from the toddlers themselves. He does get tense from the toys and the furniture, though.

Celeste: You're doing fine, Nay. I'm proud.

Nadine: Thanks, Mom.

I believe I put Jak in the gray clothes. I think.

Ali is back! And the toddlers are bothering him for baths.

Ali: Wait, didn't I just bathe you?

That might've been Jak.

Ali: Oh, definitely. The cowgirl's exhausted, and she wants to sleep.

Gary and Nadine catch some together time after they get back from work. I wonder how much Nadine appreciates PolitiSim, though.

What a cute baby!

Look at him go!

We didn't have time to throw a party, but Gary's celebrating anyways!

Nadine: That's my amazing alien husband right there!

Gary: Ahhh, yes. Yes. This is . . . I actually don't feel much different.

Silas: Ghost!

Akira: Ahh, my grandson. You are here because I once was. You are a product of me.

Alriiiighty then, Akira.

Here we can see Ali seemingly reconsidering every decision he has ever made.

Gary: Isn't this sweater stylish, sister of Nadine?

Melanie: Mm, I don't know if "stylish" is the right word.

On that note, let's segue into . . .

Birthday time!

Nadine: I bet Ali can't wait for you to bathe yourself!

Maybe Gary's singing something from Sixam?

And here's Silas! I'm loving his tired-eyes look. His random trait is Goofball, and his child aspiration is Social Butterfly.

Gary: Ahh, the tiny Sim got bigger. I don't know if I like him yet.

Silas: Gee, thanks, Dad.

Nadine: Your dad just gets a little weirded out by seeing smaller Sims. He doesn't mean it personally, dear.

Silas: Is that supposed to make me feel better?

I took this picture really just because I hardly ever see ghosts in a focused mood.

Look at him! He looks so excited! And cute!

I added an upper story to the house. While the rooms are laid out, Silas's bedroom and a bathroom are the only rooms that have been furnished.

You can see the house better from here. Silas is busy fulfilling the goals for his aspiration. He first introduces himself to Bo.

Silas: Hey, Dad, I had my first day of school today!

Gary: How . . . interesting.

Nadine: He's your son, Gary. I'm gonna leave, and you're gonna talk to him.

Silas: What are you all dressed up for?

Gary: I had work today. I'm a representative between this planet and Sixam, my home planet. The planet that holds half of your heritage.

Silas: Whoa, that's so cool!

Gary: I suppose that is cool, isn't it?

Silas: Yeah, I'm gonna tell everyone at school! My dad's an important ambassador!

After Silas and Gary did a little bonding, Silas invited over Kyleigh Fyres. He saw her wondering around the neighborhood when he introduced himself to everyone.

Silas: You're . . . evil? Isn't that a bad thing?

Kyleigh: It all depends on what you define as "bad."

She then went to mourn Akira for some reason.

Is it necessary to eat and work in the toddlers' room?

Not that these two mind.

Gary: You have a responsibility, Gary Guy. These hybrids are yours, and they depend on you. You were a kid once, remember that.

Silas: Mom! Kyleigh and I are gonna have a secret lair out in the middle of the ocean, and we're gonna rule the world!

Nadine: That's . . . nice, dear.

Melanie: Foster! You have something in your hair!

Foster: Please don't touch me.

Melanie and Foster are guests, so that must mean we're having another party! Nadine's turning into an adult!

There she goes!

Later, Silas is working on becoming BFFs with Kyleigh.

So far, it's going well. Except Kyleigh sometimes does a mean interaction.

Yessssss! Her next random aspiration is Friend of the World. Luckily, that means she can stay in the Astronaut career.

And here's Nadine with maxed out fitness.

Nadine immediately gets out to meet some new people.

Meanwhile, Silas and Kyleigh cement their friendship.

But Silas has a few more friends to make, so he goes out to the playground.

And I'll leave it there. Thanks so much for reading!

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