Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Groves Legacy - 1.0

Hello, and welcome officially to the Groves Legacy! There's a brief intro you can read to meet our founder, Celeste. Let's get this thing started! Captions will be below the corresponding pictures.

I've found the biggest empty lot available. That's Twin Oracle Point in Newcrest.

Celeste doesn't look too happy.

Celeste: I don't even have neighbors.

To distract her, I quickly built the beginning of the legacy house.

Celeste: There aren't any windows!

Ahh, true love.

Celeste: The inside doesn't look too bad I guess -

Celeste: NEVER MIND.

There are a whopping two other rooms.

Celeste: (smiling through the pain) Why must I suffer?

Anyways, to distract Celeste from her really small house, I sent her to collect some things to work on her aspiration and maybe get some money from any extras she finds.

She went to check out Magnolia Blossom in Willow Creek because she's bitter about the no-neighbors thing.

It doesn't look like the trip is helping her forget about her house.

Celeste: I can't believe you didn't build windows.

Thankfully, collecting does help get her mind off things.

Celeste: Frogs are slippery scamps.

I was a little nervous about keeping the Curator as an aspiration, but I'm actually enjoying it.

Celeste: I told you it would be fun.

Hey, Celeste, there are two young adults hanging out nearby. You should go say hi and do some flirting.

Celeste: Do I have to? I'd rather catch frogs.

This is a legacy, dear.

Celeste: I didn't ask for this.

By the time Celeste gets to the guys, Bob is digging in the trash, leaving Akira Kibo.

Celeste: Um. Hi, there.

Akira: Hello.

Celeste: I was hunting for frogs, and I couldn't help but notice you and your garbage-sifting friend.

Akira: He just wanted a hot dog. I really don't know the guy.

Akira: And he was going on about how his wife doesn't like it when he plays in the trash.

Bob: (plays in the trash in the background)

Celeste: Oh. Charming?

Celeste and Akira talk for a while.

Celeste: - and there's no windows!

Akira: That's awful!

Summer: How long have these hot dogs been sitting out?

Celeste: Dunno, but they're delicious. (devours hot dog)

Akira soon leaves without an explanation. Maybe it was Celeste's ravenous Glutton eating.

Celeste goes to the Blue Velvet Nightclub and is happy to see that Akira is here, too.

She tries to dance with him, but Don Lothario and Paolo Rocca are in the way.

Don: Ah, nightlife.

Paolo: You'll just hurt yourself dancing like that.

Celeste: I didn't ask you.

Our girl leaves the nightclub exhausted and without Akira.

Celeste: It's fine. I had a good time. I haven't danced like that in years.

She spends her first night sleeping peacefully and hopefully forgetting about the lack of windows.

Morning brings the first meal.

Celeste: (spills eggs everywhere)

I'm not even that bad at cooking. And I'm pretty bad.

How did it turn out?

Celeste: Definitely subpar.

Today's scavenging takes us to Oasis Springs.

Keep it down, or else you'll wake up the old man sleeping on the bench.

Celeste gets a call from Akira! He wants to check out the Humor and Hijinks Festival.

Celeste: Why is that person glowing? Should I drink this?

She does, and proceeds to tell Akira every joke she knows.

At least he's pretending that they're funny.

Some fireworks celebrating the comedy victory. And a Sim meditating over a pile of trash. Keeping it classy.

Celeste: Those fireworks were just wonderful, weren't they? True works of art.

Akira: Much like yourself.

Celeste: Oh!

Celeste: I'm gonna write that one down.

Akira: Do your thing, girl.

Celeste: Thanks for giving me an amazing day.

Akira: I'm glad you had a good time.

Celeste: So, um . . .


Celeste: Why don't we take this back to my windowless place?

Akira: I'd love to.

Off they go.

Nothing to see here.

I really miss how they would cuddle in TS3.

And Celeste wakes up the next morning and finds out that she's pregnant of course. She doesn't look all that pleased.

Celeste: I know this is a legacy and all, but I don't even have a job and Akira doesn't live with me and-

Don't worry. I got this covered.

She breaks the news to Akira.

Celeste: So, you know I'm part of a legacy.

Akira: Sure. You've said that, whatever that means.

Celeste: Akira, I'm pregnant.

Akira: Oh. Congratulations, I think.

He leaves right after Celeste breaks the news. I don't think he's taking it well.

Akira: Pssh, she can't be serious about that legacy thing. 10 generations?

There are longer legacies, friend. You're getting off easy.

Celeste contemplates everything she knows over breakfast.

Celeste: Eggs and toast is the best that I can cook. How am I supposed to feed a kid?

She goes off to collect some more stuff. Look at that gorgeous view.

Celeste: (obliviously searches for frogs)

She goes back to the Blue Velvet, meeting up with Akira. You don't look too good, love.

Celeste: Is the nausea normal?

I think so. I've never been pregnant.

Akira tries to dance his woes away. Talk to him, Celeste.

Celeste: Look, Akira. I know you're scared. So am I. I'm a legacy founder. But I don't want to do this alone. You're a great friend. I can tell from the three days that I've known you. I know you'll be an excellent dad.

Akira: (continues dancing) These three days of knowing you have been pretty great. And you are carrying my child.

Celeste goes in for the kiss. Geez, romancing in the Sims is pretty ridiculous out of context, isn't it?

Poor girl.

Celeste: The baby's making me sick, not that kiss. Promise.

And, due to a weird lag where Celeste doesn't complete her action when I assign it, she pees herself.

Celeste: Oh, no. I need to get out of here.

Gratefully, Akira doesn't think less of her. A quick shower later, and they have breakfast for dinner. And they refuse to sit at the table because there's already a plate there.

Celeste: I can get better at this cooking thing.

Akira: I can't judge you. I get scared when I turn the stove on.

Celeste is happy Akira's sticking around. So am I.

So she pops the question.

Celeste: Stay with me and try out this crazy legacy thing? As my husband?

Akira: I'd love to, Celeste.

Don't ask how she got that ring. She doesn't have any money.

Commence the shotgun wedding. Celeste doesn't look impressed.

Celeste: There's confetti in my eye.

I moved Akira in and changed his aspiration. He originally had the Curator, like Celeste. But I didn't want them to have to compete to find collectibles. So I randomized his aspiration and he got Soulmate. It's fitting, since he has the Romantic trait. He's also Jealous and Self-Assured.

Using the money that Akira brought in, the couple now has this little setup. I did that because Akira is in the Tech career, and I figured I'd let him stay there.

Akira: Ugh, Density Effect looks awful on this TV. The one I had at home was better.

Sorry, bud. You guys are broke.

Akira: Yeah, it looks awful! That TV couldn't handle graphics from two gens ago!

Celeste: Sure, hun.

Later . . .

Celeste: When's this nausea gonna stop???

Poor thing.

Celeste: This is absolutely repulsive.

Celeste autonomously watches sports.

Celeste: Akira is right. The TV does look awful.

Akira's Soulmate aspiration gives me a reason to take the couple out on the town.

Celeste: Excuse me, we're trying to flirt here.

Celeste: I have the strangest feeling that I'm being watched.

Potty Mouth 2.0: (observes all)

Vladislaus came into the bathroom just as Celeste left. Creepy.

Vlad: (creeps)

Akira: So that's when the lawnmower blew up!

Celeste: Oh!

The plumbob reveals how miserable these two actually are.

Elder Lady: I remember when I could do that.

These two are definitely growing on me.

And our darling founder pees herself again, thanks to not responding to actions immediately.

Celeste: I think the baby's shrinking my bladder.

Akira got promoted to Quality Assurance and got this coffee pot. They'll need all the energy they can get for babies.

Akira: But the sequel completely redesigned the interface and -

Celeste: god i hope he doesn't know i peed myself again

Akira: Everyone says they hated it, but I think they just need to accept new things.

Celeste: i missed everything he said

Akira: So this guy calls and tells me he'll destroy me if I don't fix his new Twitch console.

Celeste: (scarfs down grilled cheese)

Akira: And so I pretended that he was breaking up. I don't know if he bought it, but he didn't call back.

Celeste: He sounds awful!

More grilled cheese for breakfast! And Celeste is getting big.

There she goes!

Akira: Oh geez oh geez ohgeezohgeezohgeez

He actually doesn't look too upset.

Celeste: I'VE GOT THIS

Akira: I'm gonna glare in your general direction until the baby stops hurting you.

Celeste: Thanks?

Akira: (glares)

Celeste: Anyways, let's get this done with.

And here's little Margo, the first baby of this legacy.

Akira: (cleans stuff)

What a cutie.

Celeste: Alright, I wanna get out of the house.

She's back at collecting things.

Celeste and Akira have enough money for a new computer. Akira will need it to practice programming.

Celeste: I feel like a kid again, playing on one of these artifacts.

Sorry, dear. Money's tight.

Akira: So the green button makes your car go.

Celeste: Mm, sure.

Celeste: Dear, why are there four screens when only two of us are playing?

Celeste randomly makes this face when she gets out of the shower.

Akira: Hey, hey. Hey, babe. Hey, my elbow's in your sandwich.

Celeste: I'm trying to eat this!

These two look like they're up to something.

Oh, I guess Celeste was thinking about push-ups.

That's what I was thinking of.

But Akira's parenting duties come first.

Ahh, there they go.

Aaaaaaand Margo's crying again.

But these two are sound asleep.

Luckily, Miko Ojo came to visit. She took care of Margo.

Miko: I don't see why Akira was so desperate to move in here. The TV and the computer are awful.

Confetti! Celeste's pregnant again!

Celeste: (eye twitches)

Celeste: Well, babe. I'm pregnant again.

Akira: But we're broke! We don't even have a nice bed for Margo, yet!

It'll be fine, guys. Between collecting and working, you two will make it.

Akira: More work means more video games!

Whatever you need to tell yourself.

Celeste hasn't gotten better at cooking.

These two fall into a lazy Saturday morning.

Akira: I can't find out why my program plays the M*A*S*H* theme song on startup.

And Celeste has to fix the plumbing.

The sink broke, too. What a way to end the week.

Next time, there are sure to be more babies! We'll get a first look at the possible heirs. Will the Groves get a better computer and TV? Will they get windows? We can only wait and see!

Thanks for reading!

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