Friday, March 10, 2017

Groves Legacy - 1.1

Hello, hello, everyone! Welcome back to the Groves Legacy. Last time, Celeste was just getting started as a founder. She married Akira Kibo, complained about windows, and had baby Margo. Celeste and Akira don't make much money, so they're also struggling to keep up with their growing family. It's only going to get bigger as Celeste is pregnant again. Let's see how they do!

Quick apology from me. I run my game on really low graphics settings due to how angry my computer gets when I run the Sims. Hopefully the low image quality isn't too much of a distraction.

Akira: Hello, my darling little one.
Margo: D: D: D:

Akira's not too put off by Margo's complaints, at least. Anyways, it's time to age her up.

There's the little dear. She inherited Celeste's hair and Akira's eyes. I randomized her trait and she ended up with Fussy. Joy.

Her bed is out in the hallway because the Groves are broke and can't afford to add another room right now.

Akira's still happy to have his little daughter, though.

Akira: You better not make a mess, kid.

Margo: *makes a mess*

But I guess she stopped. Now she's miserable, and Akira's happy that he doesn't have to clean too much.

Akira: As much as I love you, bedtime's my favorite time.

Margo: *pouts*

These two get a little bit of peace and quiet.

But that doesn't last long.

Little Margo had a nightmare.

Celeste: Come here, dearest. Let's get you back to bed.

Margo: Scawy!

Celeste: I know. But you'll fall asleep and forget about it.

Bedtime, take 2.

Celeste: I think we're doing pretty good with this parenting thing.

Akira: We're unstoppable.

And they became BFFs! Akira's working on his aspiration.

Akira: Wanna see me pound some meat, babe?

Celeste: Akira!

Akira: Ow ow ow!

Celeste: *already ate leftovers* Not what I had in mind, babe.

The lil' devil's awake for good this time. And she's not too happy.

Margo: Food!

But first comes potty training.

Celeste: Oh god, this is disgusting.


Celeste: I wish I could scream right now.

But after potty and breakfast, Margo's happy to play with her blocks.

She throws a fit when Celeste wants to teach her flash cards, though.

Celeste: This is a toilet. Which you will be using soon. Please. Please use the toilet. Cleaning your potty chair is disgusting.

Celeste: *deep sigh*

Celeste: You made that mess on purpose, didn't you?

Margo: Water!

Margo had Celeste up before she was fully rested, so the poor mom needs some coffee.

Celeste: I never thought I'd resort to this.

Akira got promoted and came home like this.

Akira: What? We had an office party.

Celeste: *yawns* I think I should lie down for a -

Celeste: *faceplants*

Akira: Oh. I think I'll let her sleep, then.

Poor girlie's exhausted.

Akira: Good morning, dear.

Celeste: Hush. I'm going to bed. And the sink's broken again.

Akira: I see that.

Akira: *carefully shoves wrench down drain*

Celeste: Don't make a mess, Margo! I don't want to - Oh. Oh, that's my water.

Celeste: If I had known about this, I dunno if I would have agreed to be a founder!

Akira arrives to panic. Which is understandable, because -

- there are twins.

Everyone, meet Scarlett and Melanie.

Meanwhile, this troublemaker raids the kitchen cupboards.

And makes a mess of them.

Celeste: I just had twins, and now I'm sick. I don't deserve this.

Margo: Babbees!

Whenever one baby would stop crying, the other would start. 

Celeste: Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

Margo: A different book.

Margo: *thinks about throwing food*

Don't . . .

Parenting a toddler and two baby twins leaves both parents exhausted.

They nap when they can.

You're looking a little tense, love.

Celeste: When one stops crying, the other starts!

I know, I know.

Akira: Thankfully, you can talk more than your sisters.

Margo: More food.

Celeste is a Snob, so she periodically critiques the gold date reward that's in the house.

Celeste: It's just a useless decoration!

These two start the next day off  together and tired.

But Celeste is inspired to (badly) play the violin!

Don stops by for a visit.

Don: So I had to kick the gal out of my house!

Margo: ???

Akira's napping on the couch. Otherwise, Don would hopefully be talking to him about this instead.

Akira wakes up to make some food for the family. Why is he smiling?

No more babies!

This is little Scarlett. Akira's traits are strong.

And this is Melanie. She got her mom's traits. Both toddlers got the Angelic trait, a stark contrast from Fussy Margo.

Margo: She looks like me!

This is the cutest thing.

Akira and Celeste have made enough money for a small add-on room. All three toddler beds went in here.

Scarlett: TV!

Melanie: Food :(

These two sneaked away to have a peaceful meal together.

Celeste: Hey there, handsome.

Akira: You're absolutely stunning.

But Melanie does some crying and her parents have to interrupt their time together to take care of her.

Celeste: We just had to have twins.

Akira: Hey, I guess I'm just that good.

The toddler stage is definitely growing on me.

And I love having Celeste or Akira read to the kids before they sleep.

Too bad they can't read to three at once.

It's definitely nice when all three are asleep.

Miko still stops by. She's nice enough to do some cleaning up.

She's also happy to use the computer. This just makes me miss the first Sims.

Can I help you?!?!

Celeste: Yes, the lambs certainly are gorgeous this time of day.

Celeste: No, no, I don't think they'll mind if you teach them to tango.

Navya Basu: That's delectable.

Navya: Good luck with those dancing lambs.

Celeste: No, you're completely off tempo!

This was the first time a vampire successfully broke into the house. With my other family I was playing, the vampire was blocked from getting inside.

Celeste needs to sleep that off for a while. Don't mind her stench.

And the sink's broken again.

Akira: Why me.

A good breakfast shot, broken sink and all.

And a picture of our three lovely ladies. Of course Margo is messing with her food.

There was enough money for a dollhouse!

Scarlett and Melanie: *simultaneous biting*

Scarlett: I potty, Dad!

Akira: Yeah, you can. Now teach Melanie not to make a mess when she goes.

Most of the time, Akira has been working and Celeste is in child-rearing blitz. This is going to be a stressful morning. All three girls woke up upset and crying.

Celeste: It's only a matter of time before you're all using the big potty. And then I won't have to clean that filthy thing.

She's so stressed.

On the weekend, Celeste and Akira slip off for a little together time.

The twins are fast asleep.

And Margo's busy with the blocks.

Akira and Celeste even squeeze in enough time for a little stay-at-home date. They dance.

They smooch.

And they woohoo some more.

Well, there was so much child rearing this time around! I certainly wasn't expecting twins, and keeping up with their crying was rough. Margo's going to age up soon, though. The Groves are getting closer to autonomy. Thanks for reading, everyone!

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