Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Groves Legacy - 1.3

In the last chapter, Margo, Scarlett, and Melanie aged up into children. Celeste was a terrible homework helper. Margo swiped some questionable books from her school and tried to cope with being the oldest child. Celeste gave birth to triplets, Kaye, Foster, and Nadine. The house is way too small. Melanie recruits a fellow kid to be Scarlett's chess partner. So, let's continue the journey of raising six second-generation children!

Margo: (long, drawn out sigh)

I know, love. It must feel weird being the only child born without a twin or triplet.

Akira and Celeste continue to be awesome parents, though.

Akira: What's happening?

I'm so sorry! I forgot Akira's birthday, and the poor guy was sad for a while.

Margo invited Eileen over to hang out. She had aged into a teen.

Margo: Eileen! You're tall!

Eileen: Yeah, I aged up.

Margo: Do you still want to hang out with me? It's alright if you don't, you must have teenager things to -

Eileen: Hey, you're my friend. I wouldn't stop seeing you just because I'm a little older.

Margo: Wow, thanks!

They became BFFs! Also, whoever's trying to play video games must not be able to see very well.

Melanie (probably): Do you have to be all gushy right in front of the TV?

Celeste: Can we get a better sink?

Just be happy you have one. The family needs other things first.

It is indeed Melanie who's playing video games. Eileen joins her. Meanwhile, Akira reads to Scarlett.

Akira: Ooh, this is the part with the Sorting Hat!

Scarlett: Neat!

The family doesn't have a bookshelf, so the book glitches into the floor a lot.

Eileen checks on the babies for Celeste and Akira.

Eileen: I don't know why Margo complains so much about them. They seem great to me.

Say that again when all three babies are awake and screaming.

Akira's old roommate, Darling Walsh, invites the family out to the Flea Market in San Myshuno. Celeste quickly finds some crystals that she doesn't have yet.

Nina Caliente: Anything catch your eye?

After snatching up some crystals, Celeste, Akira, and Darling go to Waterside Warble to sing karaoke. Akira actually has a high singing skill.

Celeste: Wow, honey! You sound great!

Darling: Bravo!

Celeste wants to give it a try. She, on the other hand, has no singing skill.

Darling: Um.

Akira: Remember, that's my wife.

Darling: You sound, um . . . nice, Celeste!

Akira: Fantastic, hun.

Margo, who is in her PJs for some reason, looks for more potential friends for her Social Butterfly aspiration.

Margo: Wow, what a bold look!

Karim Al Habib: Thanks!

You're one to talk, Margo.

Scarlett: Wanna play chess with me, Melanie?

Melanie: Can't. Gotta cross the monkey bars today.

And indeed, she did. I'm really fond of this screenshot.

Melanie: I can do this with my eyes closed!

The monster shows up every night. If it's not Margo, it's Scarlett. I don't think it's happened for Melanie, but she always gets woken up by the other two.

It's the triplets' birthdays, and the family needs some money for toddler beds. Akira looks into hacking.

Akira: I'm not really proud, but the Lotharios didn't protect their stuff very well.

Celeste, you have a full house. The game itself is preventing you from doing this. No.

Akira: I think I'm going to try helping your sisters with their homework.

Margo: Let me know how that goes. You can't be any worse than mom.

Akira: Need any help, Scarlett?

Scarlett: Nope, just about done, actually.

Akira: Ah. Well, good job then.

Sorry for the sudden transition, but I couldn't get any good pictures of the toddlers aging up. So here's Kaye! His random trait is Goofy.

This is Foster. His trait is Inquisitive.

And here's Nadine. Her trait is Independent.

The house is so full and cramped now. Akira's off in the bathroom, I believe.

Scarlett: Thanks for playing with me, Margo. Seiji couldn't come over.

Margo: I'm only doing this because I'm bored out of my mind.

Akira: There are too many toddlers.

I know, hun.

Yay! Akira's making his way through the career track and bringing in some much needed money.

While Celeste continues her thankless job of cleaning and repairing things. I can't wait for the children to age up and be able to help out.

She's really been a fantastic Sim to play with. I also might just really like playing this game. Or I might think all of my Sims are fantastic. I'm not sure.

The toddlers have been eating on the couch because there wasn't enough money or room for high chairs. But they don't seem to mind.

I also love the tablet. It's a great way to get to the second thinking skill point when the parents are busy and can't help out.

Akira's new promotion included a couch for a reward! Gone are the days of only having two seats.

Seiji: What an improvement!

Oh, boy. I think Margo found Seiji to be more than just someone to play chess with her sister.

Seiji: Stealing stuff is great! There's just this rush that comes with it!

Margo: Right? Someone who understands!

Margo: We should pull off a heist or something sometime!

Seiji: That'd be amazing!

A heist might not be that bad of an idea. The family only has one bathroom right now.

Margo: Dad, hurry up!

Akira: I can't, I'm potty training Kaye!

Aaaaand Margo walks in on Akira using the toilet.

Akira: You couldn't wait another minute?

Here's another instance of Eileen watching Scarlett sleep. Should I be concerned?

There are so many dishes around the house.

The culprits are usually these three.

And here is Celeste exhibiting her Glutton trait.

Celeste: (mouth full) haf u tried dis jilli?

While the girls are at school, Seiji asks Margo to play hooky. Maybe for a heist?

Nope, just for a visit to the Bluffs. Margo's "fertilizing" that bush.

Margo: Hey, Seiji! I'm gonna do a backflip!

Seiji: I highly doubt that.

Seiji: (not pictured) Don't you need to turn around to do a backflip?

Margo: Nonsense!


Margo: Did you see that awesome trick I did?

Seiji: It looked like you broke something.

Scarlett: Why didn't you come home on the bus, Margo?

Margo: Says the one completely covered in grime.

Seiji comes in to use the bathroom, but . . .

Scarlett was in the shower washing all the grime off.

Scarlett: A second bathroom would be amazing right about now.

I know, I know.

To work on her Social Butterfly aspiration, Margo invites the Avant Gardes club over to visit.

Maaike Haas: I'm not sure if all of us adults should be over a little kid's house.

Margo: Don't worry, my parents are home!

Once Akira got home from work, the family had enough money for a small, basic second bathroom.

Melanie: Finally!

Margo goes to work befriending some adults from the club.

Maaike: That one kinda looks like a plumbob, don't you think?

The other club members use the game console and the computer to play video games. The kids don't seem to mind.

Melanie: Scarlett, you're standing right in front of me! I can't see!

Scarlett: Sorry, can't hear you! Playing a game!

And, by stargazing with Gunther Munch, Margo completes her aspiration!

The kids can help cleaning puddles, thankfully.

I love the read to sleep interaction.

But apparently Nadine doesn't. Akira tries to put her to bed, but she gets up and runs away?

Akira: What is she doing?

Nadine runs outside and all the way around to the wall closest to the bed that she was just laying in. And then she passes out on the lawn. As my friend said, Sims are so extra.

With the toddlers sleeping peacefully (Nadine in her bed proper), Celeste and Akira steal a little alone time.

Akira: It feels like I never see you, darling.

Celeste: We're both always so busy.

Scarlett and Melanie wake up simultaneously the next morning. Twin telepathy?

Kaye: Try it! It good!

Foster: Looks gross.

Scarlett found Seiji and coerced him into playing more chess.

Seiji: Are you going to cheat this time?

Akira: Um? How am I supposed to cook if the stove is sparking at me?

You have to fix it, friend.

Akira: (blindly sticks screwdriver into oven)

Now that Margo's completed Social Butterfly, she's working on Rambunctious Rascal.

Margo: There be land ahead!

Scarlett, on the other hand, is working on Whiz Kid. She wanted to make some potions, so she got this set.

Scarlett: That smells awful!

Scarlett: Whoa!

Melanie: What on Earth are you drinking, Scarlett?

Scarlett: I made an emotion potion.

Nadine: Icky!

How was it?

Scarlett: Well, I feel playful, but I really have to pee!

Melanie: When you're older, I'll have to teach you how to play some real video games!

Akira: Ah, the last one's finally asleep.

Akira and Celeste steal some more alone time.

Akira: Do you think we could -

Celeste: You read my mind!

Akira: Yay!

And off into the bedroom they go.

When the girls come home from school, Scarlett and Margo aren't too thrilled with Melanie's new outfit.

Margo: What are you wearing?

Melanie: I thought I'd try something new!

Melanie: And, as I pull the sword from the stone, I become the master of video games!

Her new aspiration is Whiz Kid, so she asks Scarlett to play chess with her.

Scarlett: I knew you couldn't stay away! And you were the one who got Seiji to play so you didn't have to.

Melanie: Shush. I just got bored playing video games.

Scarlett: Whatever you say.

Nadine: Food!

Melanie: And it's all for me!

Margo takes to the Rambunctious Rascal aspiration wonderfully.

And Scarlett completes the Whiz Kid aspiration with some days to spare!

Birthday time! Hooray for more autonomy!

Margo: That cake looks awful.

Sorry, that's just my graphics >.<

Miko and Paolo celebrate the birthday. No one else seems to really pay attention.

But that's fine. Because Margo is stunning. Her random trait is Jealous, and her random aspiration is Painter Extraordinaire.

I really miss TS3's lifetime wishes. I liked how they would generate based on what a Sim liked doing or what their traits were. TS4 gives more freedom, but I think TS3's system had more character.

Here's Margo in her party outfit. I adore the way she looks.

Margo: Hey, Dad.

Akira: Hi, hun. Too many people out there for you?

Margo: Yeah.

Akira: The joys of having a tiny house, right?

Margo: Haha, I guess you could call it that.

Akira: But really, Margo. Thank you for not resenting your mother or I for not being able to give you more.

Margo: I appreciate everything the two of you do for me. I know things have been rough with six kids.

Akira: You know what? I propose a toast! To my wonderful daughter, who puts up with this mess of a legacy that her mother and I started.

Margo: Thanks, Dad. You're pretty great yourself.

Celeste is moving up the cooking skill. She tends to make meals right after everyone finishes off the last one. That way there isn't a mad dash to cook food while everyone's hungry.

Akira: Showoff.

Now, just because you made a terrible cake doesn't mean you can hate on your wife's cooking.

With the party guests gone, I increased the size of the kitchen/dining room/living room. I also got a proper table and added enough chairs for all 8 Sims to eventually sit and eat together. Unfortunately, I completely forgot to buy an easel for Margo. I also forgot about an activity table for Scarlett's new Artistic Prodigy aspiration. But I'll worry about those next time.

I hope you all enjoyed reading! Thanks!


  1. 6 kids is completely overwhelming. Loving your story so far!

    1. Thanks so much for reading! Sorry I didn't see your comments sooner.
