Saturday, March 11, 2017

Groves Legacy - 1.2

Last time with the Groves, there was a lot of child-rearing. Celeste had twins, Scarlett and Melanie. Things are a little tight money wise, but the family is making it work. A vampire showed up and drained Celeste. Nothing else major happened, so that brings us to 1.2!

Celeste is going to get this cooking thing eventually.

Scarlett: Bath?

Margo: Stinky!

Celeste: Not right now, I'm starving.

So Margo and Scarlett were simultaneously grumpy.

Akira finally gave the little one a bath.

Scarlett: *splash*

My cuties.

But it's time to gain a little more autonomy!

Happy birthday, Margo!

Celeste: I can't wait for you to be able to eat on your own.

Here's Margo! By randomizing her aspiration and trait, she wants to be a Social Butterfly and she's a Kleptomaniac.

The first thing she does is nap on this inflatable bed. The family can't afford anything better right now.

She then proceeds to quietly do her homework on her sister's bed.

Although I can't imagine Celeste helping Margo is quiet.

Celeste: The Gold Rush happened when all the gold in Oasis Springs suddenly grew legs and wouldn't stop running around!

Margo: That's not an option on here, Mom.

Margo: One day, you're going to be able to walk and talk like me. Until then, I will be your Overlord.

Melanie: Cake!

Margo: Oh no, a dinosaur! The Overlord's only weakness!

Akira: Why are my daughters repeatedly saying "overlord?"

After some working and collecting, the girls got a friend.

Melanie: Dino!

Celeste is still at it. Her collections are steadily growing.

I completely forgot that this could happen! What book did she swipe?

I don't think you should be reading that, dear. Where did you even find that at an elementary school?

To work on her aspiration, Margo explores the neighborhood, introducing herself to random Sims.

Margo: So I just took it!

Eileen Gomes: Oh, that's probably not legal.

Margo: *whispering* You'll never tell Mom and Dad where I got that book, will you, Dino?

Celeste: Whatcha whispering to your friend, sweetheart?

Margo: Gah!

Celeste: Do you want me to help you with your homework?

Margo: No, that's okay, Mom. I think I can handle it myself.

Akira: But Scarlett, what happened to the son you locked in the closet?

Scarlett: Betrayal!

Celeste spends some time teaching Melanie.

Melanie: I don't think I want to know what that is.

Melanie: Tuck me in!

And so Celeste did.

But Scarlett wanted to be tucked in, too.

Margo invites Eileen over as much as she can. Her little sisters aren't old enough for her to play with. Besides, they'd probably be glued at the hip once they aged up. Margo had to make her own way in the world.

Eileen: I don't know why you complain about them so much. They're pretty cute.

Margo: Listen, I used to be the favorite and only child.

Eileen: Yeah, you never asked for them to come along.

Some evenings, Celeste and Akira find some alone time. Raising three girls, running a legacy, working, and collecting is a lot of hard work. But they have full friendship and romance bars.

Celeste: You wanna run to the bedroom?

Akira: You were reading my mind.

Celeste wanted to Try for Baby. So I figured one more couldn't hurt.

And sure enough, Celeste checks later to find out that she's expecting another.

Celeste: Well, babe, we did it! We're expecting another!

Akira: Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled, but this house is running out of room!

Cute picture of Scarlett dancing. Or bouncing.

Celeste: I did not miss this feeling.

Melanie hounds Miko when she shows up for a visit. The poor girl needed some attention, and her mom was gathering rocks and frogs that were around the house.

Melanie bounces, too!

The family also had enough money to afford a tablet for the toddlers.

Margo: I thought you wanted to play video games, Eileen!

Celeste: Let her do what she wants, dear. She seems to really like the dollhouse.

Celeste's gotten better at cooking. She doesn't hit her finger anymore! And here she's actually preparing for a birthday party!

Yep, these little ones are about to grow into children!

Meanwhile, Margo grumpily plays with the dollhouse because she broke the computer.

Scarlett: Birthday!

Akira: Ah, the brief respite of a toddler-free house.

Here they go!

Here's Scarlett! Her random trait is Squeamish and her aspiration is Whiz Kid.

And here's Melanie. Her random trait is Vegetarian, and her aspiration is Rambunctious Scamp.

And not one of the kids is using the game console.

Paolo: Who threw that blue shell?!

After a quick nap, Scarlett and Melanie do their homework. On their mother's bed. While she's sleeping.

Margo: How are you going to sleep, Scarlett? There's a monster under my bed!

Scarlett: A what??

But mom comes to save the day. A disadvantage of having the girls share a room is that if one gets woken up by a monster, all of them are woken up.

Celeste: Ah, what a wonderful morning. There are no screaming toddlers.

Celeste: Although I'll have another one soon enough.

Don invites Celeste over for his birthday party.

Celeste: This baby's doing a number on my back.

Celeste: Happy birthday, Don! You don't look a day over Young Adult.

Don: I haven't aged up yet.

Celeste: Unfortunate.

While she's in a different neighborhood, Celeste takes time to gather some goodies.

And then she uses Don's computer to play Sims Forever. Which is definitely something I would do.

Akira finds that video games are an excellent way to bond with his girls.

Margo: Don't you dare throw that red shell!

Scarlett: That's totally unfair!

Akira: Such is life.

Margo: My sisters may be my age, but I need you now more than ever. I need to make sure they know that I'm the oldest, and I'm in charge.

Eileen: Whatever you say, Margo. I just want to use your dollhouse.

Margo: That's fair.

Margo: You're a good friend.

Margo: Now, let me show you some Big Sister plans I found.

Later, the girls found a jungle gym to play on.

Melanie: Avast! What do ye see, me mateys?

Eileen: Actual water to the port side!

Akira's recruited for monster spraying duties that night.

Margo: I think it was the Kraken.

At the same time, Celeste goes into labor.

Akira: Hey, hun, what are you -

Akira: Baby!

Here we go!


Celeste, how did this happen? Seriously, she doesn't have the fertile reward and there are no lot traits.

Well, meet Kaye, Foster, and Nadine.

Scarlett: Whoa, why are there three? Mom said she was having one.

Scarlett: Do you see this, Margo?

Margo: I'm trying not to.

Scarlett: There are three! There was supposed to be one!

That's exactly how I feel, Scarlett.

Margo accepts an invitation to join the Avant Gardes. I have a feeling it's because she's overwhelmed by the sudden arrival of three younger siblings.

Margo: And my mom's not even good at helping me with my homework. Now there's three babies she has to take care of.

Yuki Behr: I'm sorry, kid.

Margo: So tell me, what's the oldest sister supposed to do in a situation like this? I was the only one born by myself, for crying out loud!

When Margo gets back home, Scarlett asks her to play chess.

Margo: I guess I could. I mean, I'd rather be outside than in this cramped place.

Akira: Honey, Dad needs to use the computer to work on some programs.

Melanie: Hold on, Dad. I need to practice typing.

Akira does kick her off, so Melanie wanders outside and runs into a child walking by.

Melanie: Hey, another kid.

Seiji Watanabe: Hello.

Melanie: Do you like playing chess?

Seiji: I don't know if I know how.

Melanie: My sister can show you. And she can leave Margo and me alone.

Seiji: I don't know who any of you are.

Melanie: That's fine, just follow me.

Melanie: Scarlett's the one with the dark hair, likes yours. She can teach you how to play.

Seiji: I don't know if I -

Margo: That's quitter's talk. Get over here so I can leave.

Scarlett: Oh, you want to play chess? Well, I can teach you.

Seiji: All of these pieces look the same.

The two played for a bit. And then Scarlett started cheating.

Scarlett: Look over there! It's the door to my bedroom!

Seiji: Wha-?

Scarlett: (switches pieces)

Seiji: What are you talking about? It's literally just a door.

Scarlett: My mistake. And your move.

Free from her sister's chess obsession, Margo goes to the playground and finds Eileen.

And then she proceeds to tell all listening ears about her five-sibling troubles.

Scarlett: So you're going to come here everyday and play chess with me, right?

Seiji: No wonder your sister talked me into playing with you. You don't give anyone a break, do you?

Scarlett: Nope. Especially when I win against them so much.

A rare screenshot of all three babies sleeping at the same time.

But it didn't last long.

And I'll leave you all with Eileen creepily staring at Scarlett while she sleeps.

Thanks for reading! Next time, I'll work on how to fit six children into such a small house with limited funds. It's sure to be a sight to see.

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